We study how microbes respond to environmental change and pollution, and how they influence host, ecosystem, and human health. We are especially interested in microbes that live on and within important host organisms such as shellfish and plants.
We use complimentary approaches including experimental laboratory systems, fieldwork, molecular microbiology, and genomics-based techniques (especially high-throughput nucleic acid sequencing). Our goal is to make discoveries about microbial processes and interactions that can help support healthy, resilient aquatic and agricultural systems. We hope to apply what we learn towards developing microbial-driven solutions to emerging environmental problems.
Lab Members

Recent Publications

Devin Burrell (2023-2024), Undergraduate Researcher
Nicholas Austin Powers (2024), Undergraduate Researcher

Contact Us
Interested in joining our group, collaborating, or connecting? Please email rediner@memphis.edu.
Prospective Students and Postdocs: Please include a CV and short statement of research interests, experience, and career goals.